The Anatomy of Healthy Cars: A Service and Repair Blog

Common Types Of Windshield Repairs

by Brittany Marshall

The windshield is one of the most important parts of a car because it helps the driver make decisions regarding their movements. When the windshield is damaged, it may affect the driver's line of vision depending on the location of the damage. Some windshield damages can be repaired while others may require you to replace the windshield. Here are some of the common windshield repairs.


One of the most common windshield repair problems is a chip. Also called pits or dings, chips form when a rock or a hard object hits the surface of the windshield. The impact takes out a small piece of glass.

If a chip doesn't have long cracks extending from it, your mechanic can repair your windshield. Additionally, chips that aren't in the driver's line of sight and that don't penetrate through the glass can be filled by an auto technician. However, if a chip is a few inches in diameter, and it obstructs the driver's line of vision, the windscreen will have to be replaced.

Bull's Eye

Another common type of windshield damage is the bull's eye. This windshield damage appears as a dark circle surrounded by a cone-shaped outer layer on the point of impact. If the damage is in the driver's line of sight, then you need a windshield replacement.

However, if it's a small chip that's not in the driver's line of sight, the damage is repairable. Your windshield repair expert will fill the spot and seal the cracks to restore the windshield's visibility. You should call a mechanic the moment you notice a bull's eye because if left unattended, these chips can develop into large cracks.


Stars are small chips that have multiple cracks forming from the centre. Stars are similar to a fireworks explosion. Stars mostly affect the outermost layer of the glass. These chips can be easily filled, but the area will still be slightly visible.

Star chips are repairable if they are small. Large chips can be repaired, but the repairs will not hold for long. If a star chip has cracked both panes of the glass on the windshield, the windshield should be replaced.


A crack appears as a fine line in your windshield. Some cracks are single lines, while others have several branches coming off the mainline. Cracks can also be classified as stress, edge, and floater cracks.

A stress crack usually forms due to temperature fluctuations. For example, if your windshield is exposed to intense sunlight or covered in ice during cold weather, it can develop a stress crack. Edge cracks form on the windshield's edge while floater cracks form in the middle of the windshield. If your windshield develops small cracks, your mechanic will be able to repair it. However, for large cracks, your mechanic will recommend a windscreen replacement.
